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Vol. 2, Issue 4 Subscribe To Hotel Bruce Past Issues About Us Feedback Party Center
Gephelte Kvetch Inny/Outty Eco-ing Feature Well Raw Materials Once Upon a Rustbelt... Urban Underpants Blog Hotel Bruce
Suggestion Box
Bruce management is interested in your feedback. Drop us a line...
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Issue Archives:

Issue One (fall '03)
Issue Two (spring '04)
Issue Three (winter '04)


Our Spring 2005 Issue Contributors

Bruce Blog
A bi-weekly feature

Reporting as it happens on transit, development, planning, environment and arts & culture...

Inny and Outty

Garden Living in Glenville

Miriam and Daryl Rush went househunting and put their roots down in Glenville...

Nitty Gritty on the City
Daryl Rush chats on community development in Glenville and beyond.

The Eastside Market
It's fresh! Take a quick spin around the Eastside Market

Once Upon a Rustbelt

School's busting and they're Rhymin'
Youth Poetry Slams into the 'Ville
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Gephelte Kvetch

Our editor’s letter explores what’s so
special about Hotel Bruce (coming soon).
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Feature Well
Mixed Blessings
Do Glenville's churches have space in the collection plate for community development?
Welcome to the Coast
Glenville Development director Tracey Kirksey thinks this is Glenville's year...
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Glenville to Greenville

Our urban designer has a plan to enhance connections between Glenville and an abundance of nature...
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Counter Cultural Gardens
Modern day landscape installations start up where the cultural gardens leave off...

Achtung Cleveland!
What can Cleveland learn from Germany's example of reusing its industrial relics?

Raw Materials

Well Schooled
We visited Charles Lake Elementary School in Glenville to see how the kids feel about nature in their urban environment.
Now online.
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Bridges of MLK
Brucers let their lenses show us familiar bridges in a new light.
Now online.
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Urban Underpants

The Style Guru Speaks
Quit your kvetching fashionistas, we've got something for you!
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About Us | Bruce Blog | Eco-ing | Feature Well | Feedback | Gephelte Kvetch | Get Involved | Inny/Outty
Once Upon a Rustbelt | Party Center | Raw Materials | Subscribe | Urban Underpants