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Vol. 1, Issue 1 Subscribe To Hotel Bruce Past Issues About Us Feedback Party Center
Gephelte Kvetch Inny/Outty Eco-ing Feature Well Raw Materials Once Upon a Rustbelt... Urban Underpants Blog Hotel Bruce
Suggestion Box
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You've checked into Hotel Bruce,
the journal of creative living in Cleveland. You might not find a mint on the pillow, but you will get a heaping slice of the urban landscape...
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Bruce Blog
A weekly feature

Reporting as it happens on transit,development, planning, environment and arts & culture...
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Inny and Outty
Bombay by the Highway
By Doug Trattner

We devised a night filled with Indian food and film and we're determined to give it a test drive without ever leaving the Cleveland area...
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Get Hip to Hibsa

Hungry for some big screen Bollywood eye-candy but don’t know where to find it? Log on...
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Once Upon a Rustbelt
Why is Bollywood like our Uncle Morty?
By Sri Devi Thakkilapati

My relationship with Bollywood films in themselves and more specifically as the new, campy grist for the North American hipster irony mill is, at best, uneasy...
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Gephelte Kvetch

Our editor’s letter explores what’s special...
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Feature Well
Midtown Mojo
By Marc Lefkowitz

The tale begins on a blustery day in October (2001) in Cleveland. Against the backdrop of weedy abandoned lots and the remains of Euclid Avenue’s pre-war walkups...
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Planning a surprise attack
By Marc Lefkowitz

Every urban planner worth his or her salt can smell the moment when victory is at hand for his pet project—even if it is 20 years in the making...
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Raw Materials
Studio Walls

A virtual exhibit of the work of Zygote Press co-founder and printmaker Liz Maugins...
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Start me up...
By Chris Auerbach-Brown

So you want to launch a nonprofit arts group? Get a road map from the scrappy, successful founders of SAFMOD on what it takes...
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Urban Underpants
Three looks
Are you a size 14 and in love with puppies, pierogies, pilsners and fashion?
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About Us | Bruce Blog | Eco-ing | Feature Well | Feedback | Gephelte Kvetch | Get Involved | Inny/Outty
Once Upon a Rustbelt | Party Center | Raw Materials | Subscribe | Urban Underpants