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Issue One

Why is Bollywood like our Uncle Morty?
By Sri Devi Thakkilapati

My relationship with Bollywood films in themselves and more specifically as the new, campy grist for the North American hipster irony mill is, at best, uneasy...
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Issue Two

Destination Cleveland
By Hotel Bruce & friends

Where do you go in Cleveland to escape or to mix it up...
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Issue Three

Evening with a stranger
By Eric Reitz

Stay a spell with some (of literature's) odd characters...
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Issue Four

School's busting and they're Rhymin'
Youth Poetry Slams into the 'Ville
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Bruce home

What's Once Upon a Rust Belt?

What is it like growing up in Cleveland, or looking at it through an immigrant’s eye? What’s going on in this big old town? Essays, literature, reviews of shows will explore these questions and more.


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Once Upon a Rustbelt | Party Center | Raw Materials | Subscribe | Urban Underpants