Midtown Mojo
By Marc Lefkowitz
The tale begins on a blustery day in October
(2001) in Cleveland. Against the backdrop of weedy abandoned lots
and the remains of Euclid Avenue’s pre-war walkups...
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Future Midtown?
By Marc Lefkowitz
Euclid Corridor is about to receive a multimillion dollar makeover—
what will it take to get it right?
A bold new plan for Midtown
By Steve Manka & Steve Rugare
A pair of urban planners propose a concept
for a Midtown Biotech Center deeply rooted in its context...
Who can afford Ohio City?
By Marc Lefkowitz
Taking shape in Ohio City: A historic
shift in housing...
Green house noodling
By Stephen Manka & Steve Rugare
Designing a green, affordable village
with a market in mind...
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Shelter from the storm
By Lee Chilcote
How community activists fought for equity
first in Ohio City...
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Mixed Blessings
By Lee Chilcote
Do Glenville's churches have space in the collection plate for community
Welcome to the Coast
By Marc Lefkowitz
Development director Tracey Kirksey thinks this is Glenville's year...
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Bruce home