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Get Hip to Hibsa!

Hungry for some big screen Bollywood eye-candy but don’t know where to find it? Log onto www.hibsa.com, the self-proclaimed ‘one of a kind portal serving the Indian community in Greater Cleveland’ for the local weekly screening times. Currently, Bollywood movies are shown off and on at Parma Ridge theater (at the intersection of Snow and Ridge roads) and also at Parmatown Mall theater, or sometimes at Hickory Ridge Theater in Brunswick. Movies are usually shown for one week (two if by popular demand). And if you’re tempted to think this movie’s plot will be somehow different—Hibsa also has links to Bollywood reviews.

Maybe you or someone you know is in the market for a ‘chosen one’. Hibsa links to online matchmaker services such as www.indianmarriages.com which (seemingly) arrange marriages, whether you’re Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or living in New York or Michigan (Ohio still to come), or just have a traditional date. After you set your wedding date, check out the Web site of Num Num, a DJ who spins "Asian Groove" around Cleveland.

If you miss the masala film or don’t want to drop $7.50 at the theater, try the Lakewood Library for the largest selection of rentable Bollywood in the area. Or go to any Indian grocery store, such as Indo-American at Warrensville and Miles roads, to purchase it on VHS.

Thanks to Beth Wolfe for leading us to discover much of what rocks about Bollywood.

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