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Vol. 1, Issue 2 Subscribe To Hotel Bruce Past Issues About Us Feedback Party Center
Gephelte Kvetch Inny/Outty Eco-ing Feature Well Raw Materials Once Upon a Rustbelt... Urban Underpants Blog Hotel Bruce
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Issue Archives:

Issue One (fall '03)

You've checked into Hotel Bruce,
the journal of creative living in Cleveland. You might not find a mint on the pillow, but you will get a heaping slice of the urban landscape...
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Bruce Blog
A bi-weekly feature

Reporting as it happens on transit, development, planning, environment and arts & culture...

Inny and Outty
A gentleman in Midtown
By Lindsey Bistline

The task would've crushed lesser men, but artist Carlo Maggiora was driven to carve out a live/work space in the heart of Midtown...

Once Upon a Rustbelt
Destination Cleveland
By Hotel Bruce & friends

Where do you go in Cleveland to escape or to mix it up...
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Gephelte Kvetch

Our editor’s letter explores what’s special...
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Feature Well
Future Midtown?
By Marc Lefkowitz

Midtown Euclid Corridor is about to receive a multimillion dollar makeover— what will it take to get it right?
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A bold new plan for Midtown
By Steve Manka & Steve Rugare

A pair of urban planners propose a concept for a Midtown Biotech Center deeply rooted in its context...
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Uncommon Ground
By Lee Chilcote

Tired of waiting for the private market act, Trinity Church took the reins and began developing...
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Raw Materials
Summer Lovin'

Two local artists respond to a wet hot Cleveland summer...
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Urban Underpants
Shopping with RiTA
Shopping by mass transit in Cleveland? See, it's not so far-fetched as you think...
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About Us | Bruce Blog | Eco-ing | Feature Well | Feedback | Gephelte Kvetch | Get Involved | Inny/Outty
Once Upon a Rustbelt | Party Center | Raw Materials | Subscribe | Urban Underpants