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Local artists Nathaniel Parsons and Michelle Droll's work captures with verve the theme of Hotel Bruce’s spring/summer issue call for entries—"Summer Lovin'". Soon, the mercury will be rising and the days a long bask in the sun...

Nathaniel Parsons

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Real Scene: The Hero is The Land, 2004, 28"x17" oil on wood altered relic of
Lucky Leaps Scenic Seekers: RV Style, 2004, 12"x9" oil and lead on wood. Boyhood Homes: Mine and Abe Lincoln's, 2001, 14"x20", oil and pencil on wood.
Based on a visit to Abe's boyhood home in Hodgeville,KY.
more nathaniel parsons


Michelle Droll

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Yellow-green Spill
Acrylic paint, masking tape & aluminum castings with enamel paint

A lime popsicle melting in the heat
of summer

Paint Wad
24” diameter
Painted remains on styrofoam

Summer lovin’, had me a blast…my beach ball exploded.

Pugsley’s Confession 18” tall
Painted remains

Instead of building a castle out of sand, I build my castle out of paint.
more michelle droll



Raw Materials?

We’ll take you inside the studios, sketchbooks and minds of Cleveland’s artists, writers, photographers, R&D scientists, computer geeks, social workers, and more, for a look at the new, sometimes unfinished work there. And we’ll post calls for entry to emerging artists to display their work.

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