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Vol 1 Issues 1-4 Subscribe To Hotel Bruce Past Issues About Us Feedback Party Center
Gephelte Kvetch Gephelte Kvetch Inny/Outty Inny/Outty Eco-ing Eco-ing Feature Well Feature Well Raw Materials Raw Materials Once Upon a Rustbelt... Once Upon a Rustbelt... Urban Underpants Urban Underpants Bruce Blog Blog Hotel Bruce
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Bruce management is interested in your feedback. Drop us a line...
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Issue Archives:

Issue One (fall '03)
Issue Two (spring '04)
Issue Three (winter '04)
Issue Four (spring '05)

You've checked into Hotel Bruce,
the journal of creative living in Cleveland. You might not find a mint on the pillow, but you will get a heaping slice of the urban landscape...
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Bruce Blog
A bi-weekly feature

Reporting as it happens on transit, development, planning, environment and arts & culture...

Inny and Outty
Are you curious about the homes and lives of Cleveland’s creative people?

Once Upon a Rustbelt
What is it like growing up in Cleveland? What’s going on in this big old town? Essays, literature, reviews and more.
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Gephelte Kvetch

Our editor’s letter explores what’s so
special about Hotel Bruce...

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Feature Well
What would the city look like if the new guard were in charge?

Each issue focuses on an area in the city that could benefit from some creative energy with feature articles that offer a vision for a new Cleveland
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We bring you ideas, activities and people who see Cleveland in an eco-friendly light.

Raw Materials
We’ll take you inside the studios, sketchbooks and minds of Cleveland’s artists for a look at the new, sometimes unfinished work there.
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Urban Underpants
Are you a size 14, in love with puppies, pierogies, pilsners and fashion?
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